What is Physician Assisted Death – Aid in Dying
What is Physician Assisted Death – Aid in Dying Have you heard of Aid in dying? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC helps

End of Life Care
End of Life Care Do you have any end of life care questions? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC helps with answers to

Employee Privacy Law
Employee Privacy Law How do employee privacy laws affect you? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC helps with answers to this and many

What is a Business Trust?
What is a Business Trust? Have you heard of Business Trusts? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC helps with answers to this and

Major Changes to Non Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)
Major Changes to Non Disclosure Agreements (NDA) What are the major changes to Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA)? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC

What is an Estate Planning Attorney?
What is an Estate Planning Attorney? What’s an Estate Planning Attorney? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC helps with answers to this and

Elder Law Accommodative Housing
Elder Law Accommodative Housing What’s new in Elder Law? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC helps with answers to this and many questions

Senior Care After an Accident or Illness
Senior Care After an Accident or Illness What happens if your parent can’t go home after an accident or illness? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni

What is Ageism?
What is Ageism? What is ageism in the workplace?? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC helps with answers to this and many questions

Workplace Investigations
Workplace Investigations Are you being investigated at work? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC helps with answers to this and many questions including: What

What is the Pay Transparency Law?
What is the Pay Transparency Law? Do you know anything about the pay transparency law?? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC helps with

End of Year Planning for the Elderly
End of Year Planning for the Elderly How important is end of year planning for the elderly? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC

Religious Observances at Work
Religious Observances at Work Do you have questions about religious observances at work? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC helps with answers to

Family Leave for Taking Care of Adults and the Disabled
Family Leave for Taking Care of Adults and the Disabled Do you have questions about family leave for taking care of adults and the disabled

End of Life Planning
End of Life Planning What is end of life planning? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC helps with answers to this and many

Protecting the Elderly from Elder Abuse
Protecting the Elderly from Elder Abuse How do you protect the elderly from elder abuse? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC helps with

Didn’t Plan Properly?
What Happens If You Didn’t Plan Properly What happens when you don’t plan properly? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC helps with answers

Bullying in the Workplace
Workplace Bullying and the Law Do you have questions about Workplace Bullying? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC helps with answers to this

Estate Planning in the Workplace
Estate Planning and the Workplace Do you have questions about Estate Planning in the Workplaces? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC helps with

What is Medicaid Spend Down?
What is Medicaid Spend Down? Do you have questions about Medicaid spend down requirements? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC helps with answers

What Does an Attorney Do in a Case?
What Does an Attorney Do in a Case? Have you ever wondered what an attorney does in your case after hiring them? Joe Ranni, Esq.

Got Hurt on the Job?
Got Hurt on the Job? What happens if you get hurt on the job? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC helps with answers

Protecting Your World Trade Center Victims Compensation Fund Payout
Protecting Your World Trade Center Victims Compensation Fund Payout Are you waiting to receive funds from the World Trade Center Victims Compensation Fund? Joe Ranni,

Employer Accommodations for Caregivers of Elderly & Disabled
Employer Accommodations for Caregivers of Elderly & Disabled Ever wonder about Elder Care Responsibilities and Workplace Productivity? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC

How to Deal with Court Accommodations for Disabled Attorneys
How to Deal With Court Accommodations for Disabled Attorneys As an attorney, have you ever had to deal with Court accommodations? Joe Ranni, Esq. of

Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits
Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits Questions about retirement plans and employee benefits? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC answers this and many questions

Succession Planning
Succession Planning Succession Planning. Do you have a plan? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC answers this and many questions including: What is succession

The Future of Accommodative Housing
The Future of Accommodative Housing Do you have questions about Accommodative Housing? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC answers this and many questions

What is Probate?
What is Probate? Do you have questions about Probate? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC answers this and many questions including: What is probate? What

What is OSHA?
What is OSHA? Do you know how the Occupational Safety and Health Administration affect you? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC answers this

What is Wrongful Termination?
What is Wrongful Termination? Have you ever considered that you were wrongfully terminated? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC answers this and many

The Truth About Your Assets After Re-Marriage
The Truth About Your Assests After Re-Marriage Getting re-married and want to know how your assets are affected? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm

What is Article 81 Guardianship?
What is Article 81 Guardianship? You’ve heard of guardianships, so what is article 81? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC gives you answers

What is the Fair Labor Standards Act
What is the Fair Labor Standards Act? How does the FLSA affect you? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC gives you answers to

Elder Care – POAs, Wills and Trusts
Elder Care – Power of Attorneys, Wills and Trusts Do you know how effective POAs are for your family? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law

How to Get You Out of a Nursing Home
How to Get You Out of a Nursing Home Want out of your nursing home? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC gives you

Gift Tax – Who Pays it and When
Gift Tax – Who Pays it & When Have you ever wondered what is the difference between an estate tax and a gift tax? Joe

Are You Entitled to Severance Pay?
Are You Entitled to Severance Pay? Do you think you’re entitled to severance pay? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC gives you answers

Institutional Racism Employment Law
Institutional Racism Employment Law Institutional Racism is a loaded topic with many questions. Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC gives you answers to

Race Discrimination in The Workplace
How Much do Attorneys Charge for their Services Have you ever wondered how much attorney’s fees are? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC

What is Non-Solicitation Agreement?
What is a Non-Solicitation Agreement? Have you ever had to sign a non-solicitation agreement? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC gives you answers

What is a Non-Compete Agreement?
What is a Non-Compete Agreement? Have you ever had to sign a non-compete agreement? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC gives you answers

What is a Non-Disclosure Agreement in Business?
What is a Non-Disclosure Agreement in Business? Have you ever had to sign an NDA? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC gives you

Employment for the Disabled
Employment for the Disabled Employment with a disability? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC gives you answers to many questions including: What legal obligations

Overtime Pay vs Being Underpaid
Overtime Pay vs Being Underpaid Do you know the rules about Overtime Pay vs Being Underpaid? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC gives

What is a Revocable Living Trust?
What is a Revocable Living Trust? Do you know the difference between a revocable living trust and an irrevocable trust? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni

What is Employment at Will
What is Employment at Will? Do you know what What is Employment at Will is? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC gives you

How to Resolve Partnership Disputes
How to Resolve Partnership Disputes Have you ever faced partnership disputes and didn’t know how to handle it? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm

How to Handle Age Discrimination
How to Handle Age Discrimination Have you ever faced age discrimination and didn’t know how to handle it? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm

Working With a Hostile Work Environment
Dealing With a Hostile Work Environment Have you ever worked in a hostile work environment and didn’t know how to handle it? Joe Ranni, Esq.

Independent Contractors vs Employees
Independent Contractors vs Employees Which is better for companies, having independent contractors or hiring employees? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC answers this

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Ever have questions about Sexual Harassment? Joe Ranni, Esq. of Ranni Law Firm PLLC answers this and the following questions: What